We are inviting you to the international conference "Innovations in Nursing Education, Research, Leadership and Clinical Practice", held as part of the 3-year (2018-2020) project Erasmus + "Promoting the Innovation Capacity of Higher Education in Nursing during Health Services’ Transition" (hereinafter referred to as the Project).
The Conference will include plenary and breakout sessions with the participation of Kazakh and foreign experts in the field of nursing, including from leading universities in Finland, Holland, Slovenia, etc. Representatives of the ministries of health, education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional health departments, medical universities and colleges, health care practitioners, professional associations, etc. will take part.
The main results of the Project will be reported at the conference, as well as topical issues in the field of nursing in Kazakhstan:
Leadership in nursing (Leadership Training, Nursing Status Improvement, Nursing Leaders Association, etc.)
Evidence-based nursing practice (issues of development and implementation of clinical nursing guidelines, evidence base for SOP in nursing, etc.)
Research in Nursing (promoting research in nursing, motivating nurses to do research in Nursing, etc.).
Strengthening cooperation between educational organizations and clinics, as well as with the international academic community in nursing (issues of strengthening the national association of Kazakhstan nurses and joining the international association ICN, issues of joint research projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign centers, etc.)
Date of the conference: December 10-11, 2020
Venue: Zoom platform, link will be sent closer to the date to you who has registered before deadline and also will be put in the Program.
Contact phones: 8 (7172) 692565, 8 (7172) 692557.
Please confirm your participation no later than November 30, 2020 by the email address: Alma.Syzdykova@umc.org.kz according to the template form: