Four focus areas of the ProInCa
In ProInCa the division of work between partners is based on their area of interest and capacity. According to the aims of the project, there are four focus areas. The target and programme country partners work as pairs during the project in order to learn and benefit from the best international practices and to share the responsibility. The unique approach in this project is that all partners are working in all focus areas.

Hanze University and Astana Medical University focus in this project in development of mechanisms for collaboration and knowledge sharing between academic national and international nursing community and society in a form of Centre of Nursing Excellence (CNE). Angela Boskin Faculty of Health Care a and Semey State Medical University focus in transferring the European best practices on implementing evidence based nursing (EBN) in nursing research, education and practice. JAMK University of Applied Sciences and Karaganda State Medical University focus on strengthen HEI`s role in building evidence based nursing research activities in health services. Lahti University of Applied Sciences from Finland and West-Kazakhstan State Medical University from Aktobe Kazakhstan focus on promoting capacity and system of nursing leadership and management through collaboration of HEI's and Health care facilities.
Ministry of Education and Science supports the creation of research infrastructure and the nursing education that is in accordance of Bologna process and EU-directives. Republican Center for Development of Health is the active link with the Ministry of Healthcare. The role of associated partners is crucial as valuable stakeholders in the innovation process, several University Clinics, Health Care Facilities, the Association of Nurses "Paryz", HOTUS (Finland) ect. have been recruited to represent nurses’ clinical practice and the healthcare service sector. Higher Medical Colleges and Medical Colleges involvement ensures the development of Life Long Learning continuum for nursing profession.