Our project


The ProInCa consortium consists of European and Kazakhstan higher education institutes and associated partners (13) representing a variety of different stakeholders. The project is led by JAMK (FI) and supported by the Kazakhstan (KZ) Ministry of Education and Ministry of Healthcare.

A ProInCa project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Capacity building in the field of higher education program. Division of work (see Figure 1.) between partners is based on their area of interest and capacity. JAMK has responsibility of work packages WP1 Preparation and WP5 Management. WP3 Quality is the responsibility of LahtiUAS. WP4 Dissemination is the responsibility of Nazarbayev University in collaboration with all partners in order to confirm a sustainable and culture sensitive dissemination and implementation.


The wider objective of the ProInCa project is to develop the sustainable innovation capacity of Kazakhstan’s Medical Universities for the modernization of nursing. This wider objective is divided into four specific objectives, which are:

  1. Development of mechanisms for collaboration and knowledge sharing between academic national and international nursing community and society.
  2. To learn from best practices on implementing evidence-based nursing in nursing research, education and practice to promote the efficiency and quality of health care.
  3. Strengthen higher education institutes’ role in building evidence-based nursing research activities in health services to promote quality and safety of health care system.
  4. Promote the capacity and system of nursing leadership and management in health care transition to improve the quality of health care system